Psalms by Jim

Granite Creek Cliffhangers

Inspired by: Jan Yampolsky

A group of four,
camped in the sheer Granite Creek
On a ledge, carved out of solid rock.
The view down the creek is:
dressed in divine eloquence.
Sunshine caressing the canyon walls.
Splashing our campsite,
with Mother Nature's splendor.
Trees dressed in shimmering
Our campsite absorbing each ray,
of golden afternoon dazzling sunshine.
A wilderness campfire is lit.
Sitting around the dancing flames,
the hikers each admire;
different jagged orange shapes unfold.
From the burning wood.
Then tins of beans are: passed around.
Each hikers desire.
Poof! Bang! Boom!
Hillbilly campfire music;
to say the least.
Boy! do campfire beans smell good.
A few chunks of coal
that were found,
by Cody and Wes
are thrown into the fire pit.
Providing extra heat, for;
warming dish washing water.
Plus adding character and finesse.
The tea billy!
Is set upon the fire.
Glowing embers heaped around.
Soon our billy is bubbling.
A tea bag is found.
After fly ash finds our colouring brew.
Tea is ready!
A hillbilly's thirst quenching desire.
The Granite Creek valley
is now losing its gleam.
Sunshine climbing higher in
the treetops, feathered clouds,
drifting across the sky.
As twilight descends.
The supernatural setting
is serene.
Sitting around a gently burning
fire with friends.
Admiring the rippling leaves,
of the shrubbery, surrounding
our tents.
Granite Creek, below camp,
Water rushing over the
weather-beaten rocks.
As night draws nigh;
Mother Nature's peace
richly blesses each one of us with:
Tranquility. And a satisfied mind.
Four happy campers;
awake to a gentle rain.
The rain comes to an end.
A blessing! we find.
The campfire we do revive.
As early morning coffee is
enjoyed; the cloud cover breaks.
And the sun begins dappling
our surroundings.
Mother Nature is: Our true friend.
Yes! the refreshed hillbilly campers
are alive.
For a fortified breakfast:
Fried eggs, campfire smoked
homemade waffles, and porridge
are served.
Chased with mocha coffee.
A campfire breakfast, with:
Granite Creek, singing a
wilderness cliffhanging song
echoes reverberating off the
canyon walls.
Soul soothing definitely.
The atmosphere caressed in sunshine.
Is exquisite, perfectly awesome!
Yes! camping hillbilly style
does revive.
After our stomachs have been
refueled. Camp is broken.
Over the smoldering embers,
Cody smokes a sock,
that received water damage.
Wes whittles a masterpiece
that he remembers.
The dog is laying, patiently waiting,
with her head on a rock.
Jan takes a last look around.
Making sure, that all belongings
are in their place.
Our packs are loaded.
To the outer shell, our sleeping bags
are bound.
Before shouldering our packs,
the happy hillbilly campers sit around
the swirling smoke, sharing campfire
Hoisting our packs onto our shoulders,
we climb up to the canyon rim.
Half way out, we turn and look at
where we had been.
Memories last forever.
Peering down from above,
reflections of a truly unique
wilderness blessing.
A successful camp out with Jim.
Turning, four happy campers head home.
Fully revived. In Mother Nature's
unending love.

© Jim Smart

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